Welcome to Lovbird's Blog!

If you have spent any time in a garden this summer, you may have noticed some connection between the flowers you planted and the people in your life. You may even see yourself in a bloom – a rose, say!...
If there is anything that the current pandemic is teaching us, it is about ourselves. Our fears, commitment, beliefs, faith, how we relate to big society-changing challenges… Self-sufficiency bloomed. We explored sourdough bread, and grew leeks from stalks, and made...
Why Stay Positive? Storms come. Storms go.That’s the nature of our weather – and life.But all those who have the ability to look on the bright side of every life challenge – such as our current pandemic – tend to...
IT'S FEBRUARY AND LOVE IS IN THE AIR—(But is it really? And what is love anyway?) A feeling, an act, a dedication, a marque of deep understanding, a need, a fantasy, intimacy, that swoon you feel when you see that...
A new decade begins and, in its passage comes the realization that this isn’t just another year and that in the full 10 years of the 20’s, change will happen. What the past decade taught us, is that we can...