Simply, Simple
With a New Year, comes a renewed dedication
to keeping life simple.
Show me where
the simple life
lies and let me
find it and live it
And let it be the
way I live so that
each day becomes
a carefree voyage on a calm sea…
Mindful, beautiful every
day a mindful trip around the joys
of all life’s small and simple things.
So in 2025, be the navigator
of your own each day.
Let the storms blow around you,
as your day unwinds as slow,
richly, tenderly, or
preciously as you want.
By making everything, each
smile, each gesture, touch, each
thought, breath and sighting count
in both large and small amounts.
And most of all, give thanks
to a life where less (of everything)
is always more.
Happy Peaceful New Year.
A few things that count:
Spending time with a different generation.
Being immersed in a pastime.
Breaking your schedules
Whistling as your work (or walk)
Going away for the night
Planning a weekend road trip
Wild swimming (or cold water showers)
Spontaeous gestures of love and affection
Puddle jumping/Snowball fights
Smiling at strangers.
Doing less of things that bug you and more of things that don’t.
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