Rise into Fall...
A new season. And one that, in countless paradoxical ways, sustains and nourishes us…
Fall…a season so aptly named, that
it falls into our lap like
the first leaf fluttering from the tree.
And yet far from “falling” into a new season.
Often, we feel ourselves rise.
As a drowsy, lazy summer,
cools to a crisp autumn,
there’s a kind of emotional and physical
awakening that
calls us outside to meandering
hikes through urban
parks and into nature.
And in doing these things – of looking
outward, we might feel our eyes open
to those seasonal sightings that make
us in awe of nature…
The murmurations of starlings,
v formations of Canadian Geese,
or the lucky sighting of clouds of
monarchs heading south.
As nature scuttles to find places to
overwinter, there’s the reminder of the cycles of
of life when we see flowers wilt
and the summer’s bounty returning to
earth and yet, within that we see that even
in fading (or falling) there’s sustenance to be had.
Blooms become seed heads, berries, food for our wildlife…
falling leaves compost down into the mulch
that nourishes our gardens.
There’s also the nourishment we attain
as we look ahead to next spring -
planting seeds and pressing bulbs into the
still warm earth for next seasons colour.
It’s also a time of gathering (fruits, roots)
and gatherings (people)
Because, yes, the autumnal offerings and
opportunities of October fill our bellies
and satisfy our social spirits!
And as the season progresses, we may
begin to feel more rooted – literally.
Instead of being everywhere for everyone,
home beckons as the warmly welcoming anchor place
where we reconnect with familiar home comforts –
the scents of soups and cinnamon-infused hot cider
on the stove, and fruit crumbles in the oven.
In these “inside” moments, we may
discover the delight of creating
light in the darkness – the dreaminess of candlelit rooms and
log fires slowing us down, calming us,
and somehow giving us permission to rest.
And then there’s that time change.
While falling back in time,
now is also a time of moving forward…
A time to learn, to make…
To look inside and move ourselves forward in whatever
we feel
So Fall... may be a time for receding…
But perhaps, a time in whichever way you see fit,
to rise to the occasion.
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