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Mothers come in all ages, all colours, all sizes, and any gender. They may have given birth or become mothers through adoption or having a surrogate, but what they all possess through their mothering role is nicely summed up in...
To a gardener, the slow pace of a nature’s reawakening can try our patience, but it can also teach it, too. What is Spring but the time for renewal – and growth. And to remind us what growth is –...
Flowers have aromas, beauty, pollinator-pull and even symbolism…So why not plant our garden, or pick our Valentine bunches, with their meanings in mind? Spring on the brink? Since this is Canada, “not quite”. But it’s time to think “spring” and...
DECEMBER It’s the end of the year, and amidst the cheer, a time to take stock of the things we have within us that make us tick (tock)! Kindness Yay! There’s no art in being kind because it’s all heart!Adding...
A new season. And one that, in countless paradoxical ways, sustains and nourishes us… Fall…a season so aptly named, that it falls into our lap like the first leaf fluttering from the tree. And yet far from “falling” into...